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Showing posts from December, 2017

I spent a day watching people at my University - here's what I've found out

I’m sitting on the big sofa in the main entrance to City University, facing Northampton Square, and I have just completed a two-hour long people-watching session. It’s one of my favourite activities: just watching people come and go. Weird, I know. But I’m easily bored and I find the act of observing random people doing random things extremely entertaining. I try to find meaning in their idiosyncrasies and interpret the motives behind their behaviour. Most of the time, I just find solace in the pointlessness of their actions when they think nobody is watching them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a single person, couples, big groups… they are all part of a story-line. I also give them fictional names, mostly for comedic effects. Yes Linda, I know you’re reading this. Remember that time you picked your nose in the cafeteria? I was there. I saw everything. I know what you did last summer. I guess it all goes back to my reckless curiosity and the inquisitive nature of my stud