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Showing posts from September, 2018

A celebration of the season

It’s that time of the year. Yeah, the one that comes right before the most wonderful time of the year, you heard me. It’s a genuinely strange time, and people are in a peculiar mood. Most of them are just sad that the summer is over. I, for one, am not going to miss the scorching, brain-melting heat that we’ve experienced this season. I’ve never been a summer person but I’ve always tolerated it well as a child, because at the time summer meant playing with my friends all day long and going to the beach loads during the seemingly endless three-month break from school. It’s not as fun when you have to get into a crowded train with no air conditioning on your way to work and expel all the liquids in your body in the form of sweat and tears with your hair clumped on your scalp and the smell of a thousand strangers lingering on you for the rest of the day. No thanks. Some people, on the other hand, have a delightfully hypocritical/optimistic approach towards it. They see the fall